Wednesday 16 November 2011

Times Like These

Not a lot to say about this one, based on the Foo Fighters song.  We all probably need to learn to love again, to give again, and to live again.  If you are anything like me, we also need to learn it again and again too.  Many things can put us in those places, be it work, health, relationships with each other or God. 

The good thing is that God is the God of second chances, especially in Times Like These...

I am a one way motorway
I’m the one that drives away
Then follows you back home
I am a street light shining
I’m a wild light blinding bright
Burning off alone

It’s times like these you learn to live again
It’s times like these you give and give again
It’s times like these you learn to love again
It’s times like these time and time again

I am a new day rising
I’m a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?

It’s times like these you learn to live again
It’s times like these you give and give again
It’s times like these you learn to love again
It’s times like these time and time again

Monday 14 November 2011

Do Nothing

Yet another one based on a song by The Specials.  Again this song to me summed the time when it was written in the 1980's, but is also apt now.  Reference is made about living life without meaning, of talking without thinking, of walking the same old streets, and doing the same old stuff, over and over again. 

This is an all to easy a trap to fall into, just existing without living.  Why should I try to change my circumstances, when I do not feel there is a way out?  Why should I try to stand up for injustice, when who will listen to my voice?  Why should I try to do the best I can, when no one notices me at all?

We should all show more respect to those around us, and maybe become less self centred at the same time.  If we believe that by doing the best we can in all that we do, and by standing up for injustice, we are honouring God, then it starts to make sense.  It can be easier said than done at times, as circumstances can be trying, but by clinging onto the truth that it is God in control in the end, should make it easier to do.  There should not really be the option to Do Nothing...

Do Nothing

Lynval Golding

Each Day I walk along this lonely street
Trying to find, find a future
New pair of shoes are on my feet
Cos' fashion is my only culture

Nothing ever change, oh no
Nothing ever change

People say to me just be yourself
It makes no sense to follow fashion
How could I be anybody else
I don't try, I've got no reason

Nothing ever change, oh no
Nothing ever change

I'm just living in a life without meaning
I walk and walk, do nothing
I'm just living in a life without feeling
I talk and talk, say nothing

Nothing ever change, oh no
Nothing ever change

I walk along this same old lonely street
Still trying to find, find a reason
Policeman comes and smacks me in the teeth
I don't complain, it's not my function

Nothing ever change, oh no
Nothing ever change

They're just living in a life without meaning
I walk and walk, do nothing
They're just playing in a life without thinking
They talk and talk, say nothing
I'm just living in a life without feeling
I walk and walk, I'm dreaming
I'm just living in a life without feeling
I talk and talk, say nothing
I'm just living in a life without meaning
I walk and walk, do nothing

Friday 11 November 2011

Doesn't Make It Alright

This one is based on a song by The Specials, who are an excellent band in my opinion.  Their lyrics and haunting music helped to define a generation and time in the 1980's.  I was lucky enough to see them last month on their current tour, when they played Cheltenham.

Typing this on 11/11/11 makes me read into this probably far more than was originally intended.  I am not sure at what the lyrics were aimed, but you can read in both bullying and racism.  Both of these are intolerable and we should stand against them.  I think they can also be seen as a rage against the repeated troubles, of all kinds, in the world.  The world keeps on changing, but the problems appear to remain the same.  There are still race relations issues now, as there were when the song came out, and there has been forever.  There are still bullies that will put you down for no reason, as there has been for thousands of years.  Opinions will always differ from person to person, respect is what is needed not hatred.

In my opinion there is only one person that can make it alright, that being God.  It will not necessarily happen in this life, but most definitely will in the next.  That is the only hope I can cling to at times.

Enjoy the song...

Doesn't Make It Alright

D Goldberg / Jerry Dammers

Just because you're nobody
It doesn't mean that you're no good
Just because there's a reason
It doesn't mean it's understood

It doesn't make it alright
It doesn't make it alright
It's the worst excuse in the world
And it, it doesn't make it alright

Some people think they're really clever
To smash your head against the wall
Then they say "you got it my way"
They really think they know it all

It doesn't make it alright
It doesn't make it alright
It's the worst excuse in the world
And it, it doesn't make it alright

Just because you're a black boy
Just because you're a white
It doesn't mean you've got to hate him
It doesn't mean you've got to fight

It doesn't make it alright
It doesn't make it alright
It's the worst excuse in the world
And it, it doesn't make it alright

In Memorium

We Will Remember Them

Just come accross this post from 2008, still valid today, so a re-post for this significant date.

In this day and age it is not "cool" to observe Remembrance Day. To me, that way of thinking is a load of cobblers. By remembering the sacrifice of those who have given their lives for our freedom, we are not celebrating war and death themselves. To me the act of remembrance is something that I have observed for as long as I can remember. The church I attended as a child, held the town's official service, and now as an adult, I still try to have a time of reflection at 11am on 11th November. It is not just remembering history, but the ongoing situations around the world. I am fortunate, in that I have not lost anyone directly to war, but I am still grateful for those who have defended the liberty of this country.

In my opinion, a greater sacrifice was that made by God, the giving of his only son, Jesus, for the freedom of all mankind. The shame is that not everyone has accepted this gift.

Years ago I bought the book Up the line to death, which is a collection of war poems from 1914-1918. The one that always gets me is by E.A.Mackintosh, who was killed in action in 1916. It is called In Memoriam, and is dedicated to Private David Sutherland, who was killed in action on May 16th 1916, and others who died.

In Memoriam

So you were David's father,
And he was your only son,
And the new-cut peats are rotting
And the work is left undone,
Because of an old man weeping,
Just an old man in pain,
For David, his son David,
That will not come again.

Oh, the letters he wrote you,
And I can see them still,
Not a word of the fighting
But just the sheep on the hill
And how you should get the crops in
Ere the year get stormier,
And the Bosches have got his body,
And I was his officer.

You were only David's father,
But I had fifty sons
When we went up in the evening
Under the arch of the guns,
And we came back at twilight -
O God! I heard them call
To me for help and pity
That could not help at all.

Oh, never will I forget you,
My men that trusted me,
More my sons than your fathers',
For they could only see
The little helpless babies
And the young men in their pride,
They could not see you dying,
And hold you while you died.

Happy and young and gallant,
They saw their first-born go,
But not he strong limbs broken
And the beautiful men bought low,
The piteous writhing bodies,
They screamed "Don't leave me, Sir,"
For they were only your fathers
But I was your officer.

I for one, will continue to remember them for the rest of my life.