Friday 29 August 2008

Operation Mindcrime

Not only the name of a good concept album from Queensryche, but also what happens to so many of us on a daily basis. We let our minds get filled up with garbage, lies, jealousies and the like, rather than the truths of God's word to us. I have been going through a tough time in my head recently, culminating in a bit of pointless self pity this morning. I then somewhat reluctantly picked up my bible reading notes and read today's passage. The first two verses of which just struck me.

Romans 12: 1b-2

(Good News Bible)

Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer. Do not conform to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God - what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.

(Message Bible)

Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognise what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to it's level of immaturity. God brings the best out of you, develops well formed maturity in you.

This is what I need to do on all levels to stop the mindcrime going on in my head. This does not mean that I should shun the culture around me, or people who do not share my faith. What it means to me is that I should concentrate on God's promises and make time for him to fill my mind completely with whatever his plan is for me. I should be involved in today's culture, but should also be able to stand out within it, by being a man of God. I can not be a good witness if there is no obvious difference between me and the next man. I need to allow God to win the Operation Mindcrime on a daily basis.

Wednesday 27 August 2008


Just a brief post to say that this morning I went on a five mile walk with my elder son. He is nearly eleven, and has been asking me to take him on a decent walk for some time. Having seen how he easily coped on the Panorama Walk on holiday, decided that we would try the circular walk from Crickley Hill that takes in a circuit through the countryside around Birdlip. He managed easily, and we are now planning on doing the eight mile Leckhampton walk in half term. I really enjoyed having company for a change on a walk, and had a great time. Even crossing the main road to Swindon twice was fun! Contentment is appreciating both family and the beauty of creation.

Monday 25 August 2008

Susie Young

Apparently Susie, wife of Styx member James (JY) Young is seriously ill at the moment, the report below is taken from the site. I would like to wish her and JY all the best, and would encourage those of you who share my faith to pray for her.

"Dear STYX fans,

As many of you may already know, Susie Young, wife of James "J.Y." Young and beloved member of the STYX family, recently suffered an aneurysm, secondary to an arterio-venous malformation. Susie's doctors are optimistic about her progress and prognosis and have told us there will most likely be a long road to recovery. Putting a timetable on it is simply not possible.

For those of you who attended the recent shows in either Huddleston, VA or Roanoke Rapids, NC, you witnessed a first in STYX history – a STYX performance as a four-piece, without JY. It was only at JY's insistence that Tommy, Lawrence, Todd and Ricky performed at all.

Looking ahead, it is simply not possible to know in advance what Susie's condition will be from one day to the next, and although she is progressing, any recovery of this magnitude will have both good days and bad. With that said, there will be more performances in the near future that feature STYX as a four-piece. JY will perform whenever possible, but his presence at Susie's side is simply a priority for the time-being.

Unfortunately, there is no way to project where and when he will be able to join the band. Those decisions will literally be made each day, and be dictated by Susie's condition and needs. In the meantime, JY, Susie and the entire band ask for your continued patience and support. The thoughts, prayers and kind words are all appreciated. We will continue to update you as things develop."

Friday 22 August 2008

The Message

When we were on holiday we visited Castell -y- Bere, see At The River's Edge. A sign by the pull in for the walk to the castle said that toilets were available 300m away opposite the church. As we had a bit of driving to do, we walked down there before setting off again. The church was in the village of Llanfihangel-y-pennant. My wife had already told me that this was the home village of Mary Jones, who walked for 26 miles to get a bible in the late 1700's. The church was open, so my eldest son and I had a look at the small exhibition about her in the vestry. The story is shown below, and taken from the Bible Society website. When she married she moved to both Twywn and Bryncrug, and is burried in the churchyard in the latter.

"The story of a young girl who saved for
six years and walked twenty-five miles to
own a Bible in her own language.

Many years ago, a little girl lived with her mother in a small grey stone cottage in the Welsh countryside. Her home was in a green valley in the shadow of a mountain, and from there you could sometimes see the sea in the far distance. Her father was a weaver who worked very hard to support his family but sadly he died when Mary was young.

‘Mary, Mary!’ called a distant voice.

‘Coming, Mother …’ Mary Jones knew what was expected of a nine-year-old girl.Without grumbling, she would do her share of the chores around her home. She would scrub the floors, feed the chickens, cook and help to keep the house tidy.

On Sunday mornings, Mary dressed in her Sunday best, would walk to the little chapel in the village two miles away. At the front, the minister would open a large, black, leather-bound book. As he began to read, Mary would marvel at the wonderful words and store them up in her heart. After the service, she would go cautiously up to look at the impressive book. There were two words printed in gold on its cover. Mary guessed that these said ‘Holy Bible’ because she had heard the minister mention the name of the book. The words inside looked odd to her. ‘How can anyone ever make sense of these squiggles?’ she thought. ‘Oh, how I wish I could read this book
for myself, or even have one for my own!’

Then, on Sunday morning, the minister, announced that a school was to open in the village. Mary was excited. ‘Now I can learn to read,’ she said, ‘and make sense of those strange marks in the book at chapel.’

The schoolmaster, Mr Evans, and his wife moved into a farmhouse not far from Mary’s home. Mary worked extra hard to finish her chores quickly so that she could go to the Evans’ house to learn to read. Her parents saw how hard their daughter worked at both schoolwork and her duties at home.

Months passed and seasons changed, until at last Mary was asked to read from the chapel Bible one Sunday morning. She was not very tall, so a special wooden box for her to stand on so that she could see the words properly. Now the squiggles were no longer strange to her. She read perfectly. Mr and Mrs Jones were very proud of their daughter.

After the service, Mary rushed up to her mother. ‘I must have a Bible, I must have a Bible!’ she cried. Her mother gently placed his hand on her shoulder. ‘But Mary, Bibles are expensive, and we haven’t much money.’

‘I know, I know, that’s why I am going to save up for one, and I don’t care how long it takes me. I’ll do jobs for other people, I’ll save all my pennies, I’ll do anything just to have my own Bible.’

And that is exactly what Mary did. For six long years she saved all she could until the day came when she had enough money to buy a Bible. Mr Evans had told her that there was a man in a town called Bala who had a number of Bibles. Mary, now fifteen, told her mother that she was going to walk to Bala.

Her mother exclaimed, ‘Daughter, that’s nearly twenty-five miles away!’ But there was no changing Mary’s mind she had waited too long for that. So, with her purse of money and some bread and cheese tied up in a bundle, she set off.

The journey to Bala seemed endless. Mary followed many paths, crossed valleys and streams and found her way around hills. As her weariness grew and her aching limbs seemed almost too much to bear, she muttered words of encouragement to herself. ‘Come on, Mary, not much further now,’ she thought. Eventually she came to the brow of a hill, from which she could see the edge of a town. Dusk was falling, and candlelight had begun to flicker in cottage windows. Mary's heart pounded with excitement. Here was Bala at last! She recognised it from Mr Evans’ clear description. With renewed energy and a new determination, she set off again down the hill.

Mary asked for directions to find Mr Charles. After knocking on several doors and asking for directions, she found his house. She ran up the garden path and knocked loudly on the large oak door.

As it was opened, Mary made her request for a Bible, the words tumbling over themselves in her eagerness: ‘I’ve walked twenty-five miles to get here, I’ve saved up for six years to buy a Bible, I’ve got the money here, you can count it if you like

– please can I have a Bible?’

Mr Charles was taken aback. ‘You had better come in and tell me all about it, but first you must have something to eat. You must be famished.’ He smiled kindly and beckoned the housekeeper to take Mary to the kitchen.

After she had eaten, Mary told Mr Charles everything. He was moved by her account. And he held out to her a brand new Bible. Mary stared at it for a long moment before taking it with both hands. Then she expressed her heartfelt thanks.

The next morning, Mary, clutching her treasured possession, said goodbye to Mr Charles and started on her way home. She arrived to a grand reception. It seemed as if everyone was there. Her mother threw her arms around her and hugged her. Nearby stood Mr Evans and the minister, smiling broadly and clapping their hands. Everyone was cheering and wanted Mary to show them her Bible. As she held the book up for all to see, she murmured a few quiet words. ‘Thank you, Jesus, thank you Mr Charles,’ she said.

In his study, Mr Charles remembered how the young girl had disappeared over the brow of a hill still holding the new Bible to her chest. He began to think of all the other Mary Joneses who must be wanting Bibles, not only in Wales but in England, Scotland, Ireland, and even in other more distant lands.

In 1804, the British and Foreign Bible Society was formed by Thomas Charles and other important men in response to needs which stories like that of Mary Jones had brought to light."

This to me is a truly inspiring story about a book which most of the time we just take for granted. It got me thinking how seriously do we take The Message. Respect is due to those who translate the bible into various languages so people around the world can read it and understand. It has also challenged me to try not to take the book and it's message for granted, and to live as instructed. The message it contains is not only important, but life saving. I also need to work out what else I can do to make the message more accessible and understandable to those around me, who as yet have not heard or received it for whatever reason.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

At The River's Edge

This is the name of a live album, but is also a good title for a holiday round up. We spent a relaxing week in a lovely guest house in the hamlet of Friog which is on the Mawddach estuary opposite Barmouth. It was great just to be able to get out and enjoy family time without worrying about cooking, washing up and the like. Observations on things done:

Chester Zoo - Do not get there same time as loads of coaches! Great value for money, well laid out, animals looked well cared for, needed more time to see everything better.

Rhostyllen - Thanks for cuppa on way through guys

Friog- Very small hamlet, tucked away from more touristy Fairbourne

Talyllyn Railway - Good scenic route, despite downpour. Love steam railways.

Barmouth - A place you either love or hate. Lots of very safe sandy beach. Harbour on estuary. Mountains rising above old town. Swam in sea.

Panorama Walk - Scenic walk to a smallish peak overlooking the estuary and sea above Barmouth. My personal favourite spot in the whole world. Can and have spent hours up there just being still and taking it all in.

Centre for Alternative Technology - Inspiring place for over 30 years. Have been a shareholder for 18 years. Helped us to change some atttitudes over the years. Now linked from this blog.

Castell - Y- Bere - Scenic Welsh stronghold in mountains near Cadair Idris. Now ruined but still imposing and worth the drive down narrow lanes to get there.

Dyffi Furnace - An example of early water driven industry for iron works.

Strata Florida - Ruined abbey, but peaceful and secluded, can see why monks settled there.

The day after getting back, went up to Slough for the season opener and a curry with my home town friends.

The next day was my family's annual cousins day. At my mother's funeral five years ago, my eldest cousin decided it would be a good idea to meet up once a year, rather than just at funerals and the like. Since then we have done so at Lydiard Park just outside of Swindon. It is good for us to keep in touch like this, and also that our various children can grow up knowing each other as well.

All this seems ages ago now, not just a few days, I'm ready for another holiday already!

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Lonely People

This is a song I haven't heard for a while, but the words have got me thinking, who are the lonely people? We can so easily make assumptions about people, both good and bad. It could be that the ones that we assume are lonely, ie the more down trodden, are in fact happy in what they have. We can also assume that the apparent rich and powerful of commuter belt are ok, but are they? We should not assume anything about anyone, only God knows where a person really is. We need to ask God to show us the lonely people he wishes us to come alongside. This is not something I am good at, as I prefer the company of those I know, but God calls us to reach out to the lonely. We need to befriend them, and introduce them to potentially their best friend ever - Jesus.

The song is taken from the Paradise Theatre album, which is about the closure of a cinema of that name in Chicago, that is the reference made to Paradise in the song. The song makes reference to the subway seats, and penthouse suites, ie the apparent affluent people. How many people do we know that smile and say their fine, but really this is not the case?

Lonely People

The rain was hot, the streets were empty
As downtown closed her eyes
The movie house stood in silence as I said my last good-byes
Her silver screen was stained with memories
As Cagney shot them down
And as I watched I was that hero
In dreamlands lost and found

Oh my God, well we both are empty Paradise and me
Do you believe I'm still chasing rainbows
When everywhere I see

Lonely People, Lonely People
Up above these ghetto streets
In penthouse suites they sit and stare
Lonely People, Lonely People
They smile and say they're fine
But behind their eyes they just don't care
Lonely People
They just don't care
Lonely People, Lonely People

Lonely People, Lonely People
Beneath these neon streets in subway seats they crowd for air
Lonely People, Lonely People
So close and yet so far they share the secrets of despair
Lonely People, Lonely People

Friday 1 August 2008

When You Came Into My Life

This song was released by the Scorpions, who we are going to see in October in Wolverhampton. Strangely it has sort of become our song, despite first hearing it 18 years after we met. Sentiments were accurate at the time though, and still are.

You give me your smile
A piece of your heart
You give me the feel I've been looking for
You give me your soul
Your innocent love
You are the one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for

We're lost in a kiss
A moment in time
Forever young
Just forever, just forever in love

When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart

Ooh, ahh
Ooh, ahh

You make me dream
By the look in your eyes
You give me the feel, I've been longing for
I wanna give you my soul
All my life
Cause you are the one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for so long

When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart
Into my heart

Just forever in love

When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart
When you came into my life

When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart


I have become aware that my more recent posts have been somewhat heavy in nature, and I will rectify this for the next couple. These lyrics are dedicated to my lovely wife, who has put up with me since we first met back in January 1988. I think she has just about forgiven me for calling her a domesticated Welsh rock chick!


One touch was all I needed to know
You were the one for me
My fate and my destiny
You smiled and all at once I could see
I’d found a love so true
That I could give all to you

And suddenly I realized
That all the fortune and fame
Can’t compare to the sound of your voice
Whenever you speak my name

Paradise is anyplace where I can be with you
Leave behind the heartache and the pain that I’ve been through
Safe in your arms
Safe in the world tonight
For you are my paradise

My heart was broken so many times
I couldn’t imagine when I’d ever love again
But every time I look at you
I know that I’ve been blessed
For I’m sure I’ve found heaven on earth
Each time I feel your caress

’cause paradise is anyplace where I can be with you
Leave behind the heartache and the pain that I’ve been through
Safe in your arms
Safe in the world tonight
For you are my paradise

And all at once I realized
That all the fortune and fame
Can’t compare to the sound of your voice
Whenever you call my name

’cause paradise is anyplace where I can be with you
And leave behind the heartache and the pain that I’ve been through
I’m safe in your arms
Safe in the world tonight
For you are my paradise