Saturday 29 August 2009

Where Has August Gone?

August has almost disappeared, and I have achieved absolutely nothing in it at all. The first few days admittedly, were spent on our family holiday in Cornwall. We had a great time, and sometime soon, reports will get posted on here. Came back the first Wednesday, had a few days catching up with family, and odd jobs. On the Monday had our annual get together of my cousins with offspring. This was a good day out, despite the rain.

Driving home on that Monday, started to feel all hot and clammy. Goodbye August! First week felt all hot and then cold, with headaches and the like. Did not call doctors as assumed all they would say is call the swine flu line, knew it was not flu in its strictest sense of the word. At the end of the week, we called out the doctor, who did a home visit. She confirmed not flu, but very bad chest infection. Also had no voice by now. A week later the antibiotics had cleared up the infection, but still no voice. Now on a nasal spray to try to speed up the voice recovery, but really it's a how long is a piece of string situation. Have been given the all clear contagious wise, so have slowly started to do things again. At times it was even too much effort to check the emails, let alone surf the forums.

So it's almost September! School starts again next week. The eldest boy will be starting senior school. Never mind where has August gone - where the heck have the last twelve years gone?

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