Tuesday 4 May 2010

River In The City

River In The City is the name given to a pioneer ministry in Liverpool. My good friend Keith Hitchman has recently moved up there to be involved in this project. The following is the news release as shown on the Diocese of Liverpool website. I was privileged to have been present at his licensing.

The Diocese of Liverpool has made an exciting new appointment of a minister to focus on the development of a new style of Christian Community in the heart of Liverpool One. The Bishop of Warrington licensed Keith Hitchman to this role in the Tate Gallery this week.

Keith will be in charge of a new type of church for a new type of community. He will spend his time building relationships with the wide variety of people who come to Liverpool One. Keith’s aim is to link into the various networks that exist and explore how a faith based community can develop to help those within their own specific groups. The Diocese is looking at a model of church that doesn’t involve a large number of people coming together in one place but sees groups of people being established around a common interest – whatever that interest is.

As Keith explains “Liverpool One is an excellent example of a community that attracts a variety of people for a range of reasons. Some live here, many work here, even more visit for shopping and leisure. I want to relate to these natural networks and work to understand what people are looking for in their lives and how I can help them relate to God.

“In a world of choice and change people form groups with others who share the same interests and views on life. It is through these groups that they discuss and ask the big questions and I want to help people do that.”

Following this idea Keith’s first task will be to get to know the Liverpool One area and the people who live, work and shop there. He will spend time getting to know people and what they want. He will also be talking to other churches and faith communities in the area.

Keith comes to Liverpool from Gloucestershire where he has been vicar in a wide number of roles since his Ordination in 1995. He has had a wide experience in a variety of roles within the church including being a youth minister, university Chaplain and Chaplain to a community of “New Travellers.” Keith comes to Liverpool as an expert in reaching people who have had no experience of church. Keith is married with two sons.

The Bishop of Warrington said “I am delighted to have licensed Keith to this exciting new role in Liverpool One. The fact the licensing took place in the Tate is a fantastic example of how Keith will be working in this new type of church reaching out to the different networks in this city.”

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