Wednesday 18 June 2008

Just Be

I often feel like I need a break, from what exactly I don't know. I have a great family, home and friends. I feel tired and run down more than I should do. The feeling that things would be better if I had a holiday, or once I've got this or that sorted, when I've lost weight, etc. are high in my thought process. In other words, things will get better when I've done something. The problem with my life though, is that it does not work like that. Once I've got that job done, there are loads more to do. Once I've had that relaxing holiday or day out, the day to day routine has not changed so the same old tired feelings soon resurface. In some professions, sabbaticals are offered, and I know quite a few people who have benefited from them, but if I took one would things change, not that I'm in a position to do that anyway. I feel I need the benefit of a sabbatical, without the time out aspect. What's the problem?

The problem though is blindingly obvious, all the changes that I am trying to implement, are being done by me! I am weak and tired. I can not do it by myself. Even friends and family can not do it for me, even though they offer so much support. The only way to change is by allowing God to be God, and to let Him fully guide and direct my life. The more I try to do things in my strength, the tireder I feel. I know from experience, that when God is fully in control of my life, I'm calmer, more relaxed, and in proper control of situations.

So why do I not allow Him to do what is His desire for me all the time. Stubbornness and pride probably. I want to be in control and feel like I'm the one who can change things for the better. The trouble is my control, does not feel like control, whereas God's control does. So how should I get there?

I do not need a holiday or sabbatical to get there. It's here for me now. God is ready and willing to supply me with rest, control, strength, and everything else I long for, through the power of His Holy Spirit. All I have to do is receive it, it really is that simple. The simplicity, is probably why I find it so hard to do it. I need to make myself more receptive to the promptings of His Spirit. I need to read the Bible in more depth than I normally find time for. I need to make time to pray properly, with time to listen for His voice, rather than just giving a shopping list of requests. I need to immerse myself in His love at every opportunity, thankfully He has placed me within a Church where this is always possible. I need to be more inspired, by reading books which demonstrate His great love for us all.

But above all, in order to be the person that God wants me to be, I just have to be. It's that simple. Just be receptive to the out pouring of His Holy Spirit and to be myself, not pretending to be like someone else, or worrying what is happening to other people. To be rested and in control properly, I need to Just Be - Me and God together in partnership.

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