Sunday 26 October 2008

Weird Sort of Fun

Yesterday was one of those days which was fun, but in a very weird sort of way. Getting up at 6 in the morning, to be on the road by 7 is not my ideal way to start a Saturday morning. Pick up 3 other team members, to start the 150 odd mile trip up to Liverpool for a National Churches Trophy game. At this stage we believe we are only going to have 10 players, including a defender in goal. Meet up with the other 2 cars at Sandbach Services on M6, and find that somehow we have scraped together 11 players, but still a defender in goal. Onward to Liverpool, taking longer to find the ground that necessary, as the lead car's satnav, sent us to the wrong side of the park. The opposition are mainly young fit looking kids, well their all kids compared to me.

The game is played in a hard but reasonably fair competitive spirit, but in rain. We have nearly everyone playing out of their usual position. We eventually lose 8-2 but we were not outplayed by any stretch of the imagination. They really only took control in the last 15-20 minutes, when tiredness set in. Everyone played out of their skins and gave maximum effort all game.

Onto the pub for lunch. This was over the road from Anfield, giving plenty of opportunity for those misguided enough to follow Liverpool to go over and pay homage. Pub was a typical city centre boozer of the old school type, serving lager and commercial beer, no real ale, but was a welcoming place. We were provided with an awesome spread, which was much appreciated.

Back to the M6 for the return journey. 300 odd miles, 8-2 defeat, wet and tired, 9 1/2 hours out.

As I said, it was a fun day, but in a weird sort of way. Thanks to all those who made it such an enjoyable experience.

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