Wednesday 1 October 2008

One Rule For You, One Rule For Me

We all run the risk of saying one thing, and doing another. This does not set a good example to those we are trying to influence. This could be as a parent to a child, as leader to those we are trying to lead, or just to those who come across us in our daily lives. One of the most often used comments against Christianity is that of hypocrisy. We need to be seen to say and do the same thing.

It is not only in public that this matters. God knows what is going on in our hearts. It should matter to us that what we say and do in private match up, with what we say and do in public as well.

In this day and age as well, it is not "cool" to talk about our faith. We should be prepared to say what we think is right, and give reasons to back this if it goes against current thinking. If our faith is real to us, we should be prepared to say so and why. It is "cool" to knock Christianity, we need more people to stand up and be counted for it. I know I for one, run the very real risk of not doing this, as I want a quiet life. The quiet life is not meant to be an option.

The modern world says believe in what makes you feel good, provided you keep it to yourself. The Bible tells us that we are meant to share the Good News that we believe to be right. It is often the case of one rule for you. one rule for me.

The title of this thread is from a song by After The Fire, a band who were vastly under rated in the late 1970's and early 1980's. It is my opinion that if they had not clearly stood up and professed to be Christians, that they would have had more "success" commercially. I think the words can equally apply to the risk of hypocrisy mentioned earlier, as to the do not speak about your faith stance.

One rule for you, one rule for me

What kind of line is that when you say you don't understand a single word
I tell you all these things you turn around and make as if you never heard
What kind of line is that you're giving me
One Rule for you, one rule for me

Too many people try to tell me that I shouldn't say the things I do
I know that you would only do the same if it meant as much too you
What kind of line is that you're giving me
One Rule for you, one rule for me

They say believe in what you like as long as you can keep it to yourself
I say if what I know is right, it's wrong if I don't tell somebody else
What kind of line is that you're giving me
One Rule for you, one rule for me

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