Thursday 13 November 2008

A Life Defined By Music - Crazy Horses

I have unashamedly "borrowed" this idea from some friends of mine, notably Hitchmo and Nai T. On reflection, my life has had some defining moments, all of which have been shaped to some degree by music. Narrowing this mini series of posts down to ten has been hard work, but for what it's worth this is me...

My first real exposure to music was on Top of the Pops, which my parents somewhat reluctantly let me watch from about the age of ten. At that time, 1972, the bands on that show appeared to fall into two or three categories. There was the ballads by people such as Gilbert O'Sullivan, there were the sing along anthems by the like of Wizard and Slade, or the original boy band battle between the Jacksons and the Osmonds. I now know that other genres such as prog rock were in the background, but at the time, to me that was it. The first record I ever bought was Circles by the New Seekers. The second was this - Crazy Horse by the Osmonds.

Yes they were a clean cut teen heart throb group, but this track just grabbed my attention. It was not just another soppy ballad. There was something about it, that made it stand out for me. I love the keyboards in it for example. If asked for the most embarrassing record that I own, my answer is not this one, but I will openly admit to having it. I would go as far as to describe it as a rock track.

So, for me, in a life defined by music, this is the first track that led me to where I am today.

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