Monday 26 January 2009

Wishing Well

It once seemed to me that wishing wells were everywhere, it is only on reflection years later that I realised that most are where gullible tourists are likely to be. The one that sticks in my mind, is just off the main road from Eton Bridge up to Windsor Castle, it was always full of loose change. Others that I vaguely recall were set in a mock up of fairy glades, castles, ruins, and the like. Why?

There are also traditional habits associated with wishing, such as when you blow out the candles on a birthday cake, or give the Christmas pudding mix a stir, you are told to make a wish. Why?

I do not know the answer to these questions, but I assume that people hope that good things will happen to them, and that a positive wish might enhance their prospects. Though why you should have to throw money into a wishing well to get good luck is beyond me.

Another form of wishing well in my view is the reliance of some on their stars. Here I am no knocking the wisdom of astronomers, or even some astrologers. It is my believe that most, if not all, of the stars in the papers are made up rubbish written by so called astrologers, who are just new age influenced "journalists".

It is good to have wishes and aspirations, and God encourages us to have them. It is also good to take our wishes to Him. I believe that there is more chance of my wishes coming true, if I pray into them and discuss them with God, than if I throw some money into a wishing well. God wants what is best for my life. My wishes may not come to fruition, sometimes we wish for what might not actually be best for us.

I also believe that a lot of people may wish the general wish of love in a peaceful world, but do not expect it to happen, as it appears too big. Nothing is too big for God, though human nature may cause a stumbling block here. If everyone tried just a little bit harder to get on with other people, this may not be a totally unrealistic aim.

I think the key is to trust God with our wishes. I know quite a few people who at the moment are "happy" to chase the wishing wells, star signs, tarot cards and the like for answers, but are still not content. As the song says the only time you are satisfied is with your feet in the wishing well. That to me will never satisfy, my satisfaction is to be found at the feet of Jesus, who died so I might live.

The song Wishing Well was first performed by Free in the late 1960's. The version that follows is by Bad Company, led by Paul Rodgers, with guest guitarist Slash. The Styx connection is that they did an album of cover versions, Big Bang Theory, which included this song.

Wishing Well

Take off your hat, kick off your shoes.
I know you not goin' anywhere.
Running around town singin' your blues.
You know you ain't goin' anywhere.

You've always been a good friend of mine,
But just keep saying farewell.
And the only time that you're satisfied,
Is with your feet in the wishing well.

Throw down your gun, you might shoot yourself.
Or is that what you're tryin' to do?
Put up a fight you believe to be right,
And one day the sun will shine through.

You've always got somethin' to hide.
Somethin' you just can't tell.
And the only time that you're satisfied,
is with your feet in the wishing well.

But I know what you're wishing for.
Love in a peaceful world.
Love in a peaceful world.
Love in a peaceful world.
Love in a peaceful world.

You've always been a good friend of mine,
But you keep saying farewell.
And the only time that you're satisfied,
Is with your feet in the wishing well.

In the wishing well.
In the wishing well.

Everybody's got a dream and they take it to the wishing well.
Everybody's got a dream, hah.
Wishing well.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Crystal Ball

Tell me, tell me where I'm going
I don't know where I've been
Tell me, tell me, won't you tell me
And then tell me again
My heart is breaking, body's aching
And I don't know where to go
Tell me, tell me, won't you tell me
I've just got to know

Crystal ball
There's so many things I've got to know
Crystal ball
There's so many things I need to know
Crystal ball

Does the above sound familiar? I for one would love to have a crystal ball to show me where I'm going, and what's going to happen both when I get there, and on the journey. There are so many things that I think that I need to know, both about future events, and things that have happened in my life and in the lives of those I know.

Would knowing my future calling stop me making mistakes on the way? I very much doubt it. I may know the way from Cheltenham to Slough, but if there is a hold up on the way, I may still make an error in my diversion route. In the same way I could easily make a mistake, if a problem arises, on the journey to the place shown to me in the crystal ball.

Would knowing what was actually said in a conversation between people, not involving me, actually stop me worrying about it? Probably not as well.

As a Christian I believe that God has an ultimate plan for my life, but in His goodness it is not gift wrapped and handed to me on a silver platter. I have to journey to get there, maybe making mistakes along the way. If life was simple and straightforward, I would not learn valuable life lessons along the way. I believe that we were given freewill as a learning tool, which can strengthen us on our journeys, if we are prepared to learn from our mistakes.

God has given me glimpses of what I think is His plan for this part of my life. This has been through various outlets, such as particular passages from the bible coming into my mind, words and pictures being given to me by people praying for me who do not know my circumstances, and by a feeling of peace when praying about certain things. Despite these affirming actions, it is still hard for me to trust God with my future. I find it easier to try to find the way myself, which is why it has taken so long to get anywhere near where I think God wants me to be!

I do not think it is too out of line to say that God should be my crystal ball. He does show me the way, I just have to learn to read the map better for His journey in my life.

The opening lyrics were taken form the Styx song Crystal Ball. The version which follows is another clip from the 1996 Return to Paradise tour.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Summer In The City - Well Cornwall Anyway

Whereas the snow which lay in the Cotswolds this week is pretty to look at, it has been a pain to deal with. Our road was not gritted until yesterday lunchtime, some four days after the snow happened, and a long time after regular sub zero day time temperatures started. It has been a skating rink to drive on, so being more cautious in my old age, I have limited my car use to essentials only. Yes, I've been walking, so I suppose some good has come from it! I have been feeling very cold and as a consequence down this week.

To cheer me up, and to do something constructive, I have booked our Summer holiday. A week in a small hotel in south west Cornwall. It's amazing how doing this one little thing, has brightened up my mood. Celtic heritage sites here I come, not forgetting the beach of course what ever the weather.

Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year

I hope that 2009 is a good year for you all, but whatever it throws at you, I pray that God will guide you through it. I was going to post this Abba track on here today anyway, but have just been on Facebook and seen that my good friend Phil has already done it on there! It seems like ages ago now, and it is, that we first heard this song, and it still reminds me of the hopes and dreams which we had back then as teenagers. May God bless you all.