Tuesday 28 July 2009

Laser Love

This song by After The Fire has been buzzing round my head for a few months now. It is the title track of the album of the same name from about 1979. The words tell of how God's love searches deep into us, but does not let us go. God's love is like an xray into the depths of our lives, there is nothing that we can hide from Him, but still He loves us all the same. I look upon it as God's laser love is in effect part of our consciences. We know when we have done something wrong, or are about to. We get those pricks in our heads to tell us. God wants us to do things His way, He is separating all the wrong things from the right. He has the right way for us, but still gives us the freewill to choose whether to or not.

Laser Love

Your love is like a laser burning right into my life
You knowing my weaknesses you cut me like a knife
You're separating all the wrong things from the right

It's like a laser laser love

Your love is like an x-ray there is nothing I can hide
You hold me to the light you see what is inside
It's all so clear when it's all there in black and white

Just like a laser laser love

Now and then I think about my life
Think about the way that it used to be
I was just a lonely boy standing in the cold until you sheltered me
Trying to find a way that I could do everything I want
And somehow still be free
Then you came along and told me how it really had to be

It's a laser love
It's a laser love
Just like a laser laser
Just like a laser laser love

Your love is like an optical illusion in a book
There's more than one way you can see it when you took
And when I saw it the world around me shook

Like a laser laser love

Your love is like a laser burning right into my life
You know my weakness you cut me like a knife
You're separating all the wrong things from the right

It's like a laser laser
It's like a laser laser
It's like a laser laser love

The clip below is a video slide show, which features the current line up, who are still touring at events such as Greenbelt. The drummer is the son of the guitarist. The "classic" line up split in the mid 1980's.

Saturday 25 July 2009

Shadow Play

I must admit that the first time I heard this song on the radio a few months ago, I thought it was either Dire Straits or Bruce Springsteen. Turns out it is by Rory Gallagher. Now I must also admit that I did not know too much about him either. At the Last PRATS meeting in Putney, in the customary CD swap lucky dip, I received a Best of Rory Gallagher CD. Some cracking songs on there so thanks to Tina for putting that one in the bag.

A lot of us are unsure what part we are to play in this game of life, and often we feel that things don't look the same. Most of us sometimes have to fight conflicting emotions, and maybe feel a little Dr Jekyll and a little Mr Hyde. For my part, I try to rely on my Christian faith to help guide me through life. I know that God has a plan for my life that is infinitely better than anything I could hope for. I just have to trust in His timing, and not to try and force the issue with my own agenda, as that is when things go wrong. This is in my experience easier said than done! I have to keep on trying though.

Shadow Play

In the flinty light, it's midnight,
And stars collide.
Shadows run, in full flight,
To run, seek and hide.
I'm still not sure what part I play,
In this shadow play, this shadow play.
Well, In the half-light, on this mad night,
I hear a voice in time.
Well, I look back, see a half-smile,
Then it's gone from sight.
Tell me, why everyone have changed,
In this shadow play, this shadow play,
I have to find my way,
In this shadow play.

Sounds come crashing,
And I hear laughing,
All those lights just blaze away.
I feel a little strange inside,
A little Dr Jekyll, a little Mr. Hyde.

Sounds come crashing,
And I hear laughing,
All those lights just blaze away.
I feel a little strange inside,
A little Dr. Jekyll, a little Mr. Hyde.

Thoughts run wild, free as a child,
Into the night.
Across the screen a thin beam,
Of magic light.

Tell me why things don't look the same,
In this shadow play, this shadow play,
I have to find my way,
In this shadow play.
I have to get away,
In this shadow play,
Well help me find my way,
In this shadow play,

The clip below was filmed at a concert at Middlesex Polytechnic in January 1979.

Monday 20 July 2009

Mr Howes - In Memorium

Attended the funeral of Mr Howes today in a standing room only filled Leckhampton Church. The tune to which the coffin was carried in was Changes by David Bowie. This was always played at the last assembly of an academic year, as pupils are about to leave juniors or go up a year. The coffin exited to the theme tune to the Archers. His family gave very moving tributes to him. The service hit just the right tone given the circumstances, and was an emotional occasion.

Rest In Peace Mr Howes.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Mr Howes

My friend and teacher
Really funny

Helicopter enthusiast
Ongoing supporter
Willing to do stuff for you
Enthusiastic with others
Somebody who was there for you

The above poem is reproduced with the permission of the author, my 11 year old son. This was written on Monday morning, moments after the school were told of the tragic death of Mr Howes. He was not only my son's favourite teacher, but in my opinion the most caring teacher I have ever met, either as a pupil or parent. Rest In Peace Mr Howes, I hope that you have now found the peace that you were searching for.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Thunder - More Than A Weather Condition

It is also the name of one of the hardest working, and most under rated bands of the last twenty years. They are just completing their farewell tour. For those old enough to remember, they formed in 1989 out of the ashes of Terraplane. I only got into them about two years ago, and was thinking really must see them some time. When they announced that they were calling it a day, I thought well it's now or never. Saw them at Wolverhampton Civic Hall on Friday, with some good friends from the Planet Rock Forum. It was an awesome display of rock at it's best. Thanks guys for the music and the memories.

I have chosen to use a clip of my favourite track, I love you more than rock and roll, as recorded on this tour in Glasgow.

Thanks for letting me go Megan, The title refers to how I feel about you to!!!