Wednesday 15 July 2009

Mr Howes

My friend and teacher
Really funny

Helicopter enthusiast
Ongoing supporter
Willing to do stuff for you
Enthusiastic with others
Somebody who was there for you

The above poem is reproduced with the permission of the author, my 11 year old son. This was written on Monday morning, moments after the school were told of the tragic death of Mr Howes. He was not only my son's favourite teacher, but in my opinion the most caring teacher I have ever met, either as a pupil or parent. Rest In Peace Mr Howes, I hope that you have now found the peace that you were searching for.


  1. My daughter was in Mr Howes' class this year. Everyone in the class was devastated, not to mention the parents. Today was the last day of school, and nobody could say goodbye to their teacher.

    RIP Mr Howes. May your memory live on.

  2. Thanks for your comments Anon. Mr Howes taught my son in year 3 as well, and has been a constant source of encouragement since for both of us. He would of been the first person I would have thanked yesterday for looking after my son over the last four years, and guiding him on to the next step. It made him leaving even more emotional for me.

    As a matter of interest how did you come across this article? I may see you at the funeral on Monday, if you are going. We are, my son wants to wear the uniform of his new school, bought today, as Mr howes knew four years ago he wanted to go there, and was as pleased as he was, when ge got a place.

  3. i likes mr howes as i was in his class in 2005 but from what i heard today he wanted to go. H looked a child porn and was arested from that. He was then put out on bail and later hung himself. I no longer feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for his family for having to live with the fact that their father/son/husband was a peodophile.

  4. Anon, he was arrested on suspicion, but due to his death, the case will never reach court. We can draw conclusions from the events that have happened, but none of us will ever know the whole truth.

    What he may have done, although despicable, will not alter my original thoughts. He remains the most profesional and caring teacher I have come across, either as a parent, or as a pupil myself.

    I think it is inevitable that his memory will now be clouded, but I would prefer to remember the joy he gave to countless children and adults alike.

  5. I am so very sad and sorry to hear of the recent disclosures surrounding Mr Howes death. Whatever he may have done in a moment of error and bad judgement will not detract from the fact that he was the most inspirational teacher, and one who my son will remember forever- for all the right reasons. We miss you.

  6. who every wrote 'I no longer feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for his family for having to live with the fact that their father/son/husband was a peodophile' you should no that i am his son and how dare you say that! i have no doubt in my mind that my dad was faulsely accused and that he killed himself to protect our family. what ever you or anyone else has heard from the papers is bullshit and you should only judge my dad on what you knew of him before.

  7. To the latest anon, as I said earlier on no one will ever know the whole story. I don't need to know the facts to know that in my opinion Mr Howes was the kindest, most caring and professional teacher that I have ever come across either as a parent, or as a pupil myself. If you are his son, and I have no reason to doubt you, I wish you and the rest of your family all the best for the future. I hope that you took comfort from the turnout at his funeral. As you rightly say, we should only judge him on what we knew of him. That is all I have ever said on here as well. As a Christian I believe that God is the ulimate judge, it is not up to us to judge others, as we all have failings.

  8. it is nearly coming up to 1year since my loving,caring old teacher left us.i miss him so much now. i'm in year 7 (leaving school when we found out the news) now and whenever i think of prestbury i think of the smile on mr howes's face. he would make me smile whenever i was sad.
    rip mr howes i love you!
    s a
    t c
