Wednesday 24 September 2008

Not In Control

I really do not like not being in control. I would not say that I am a control freak, rather that I like to be able to do things my way. I like to have a plan, and then be able to follow it through. I want what I think is best for me and my family. I tend to get rather annoyed when things do not work out. This could be simple things like an accident shutting a road, meaning having to go a different route, or things of a more complex nature.

At the moment we are going through the process of "choosing" a senior school for our eldest son. We have "parental choice", we can "choose" up to four preferred options. On the face of it, this is a good thing, however, at the end of the day, the County allocate. They may, or may not, take into account our "choices". We are looking at prospective schools. There is one that we would call our first choice, which to our mind would be ideal for him, both in terms of size and subject specialisms. We can put this and three others down, and then it is out of our hands. Allocation is known next March. Why is it called parental choice?

As I said in the first paragraph, I do not like not being in control. I can so easily slip into headless chicken mode now, at the thought of not getting him into the school of our choice. I know as a Christian I should give it all up to God, and His will be done, and all that. It's not that easy for me, I'm afraid. On this one common sense is not working. Prayer for peace of mind would be appreciated.

I am not in control, but God is! I have to try and trust that what He wants will be for the best, and that it may tie in with what I want.

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