Monday 18 January 2010


I first became aware of Haiti as an 11 tear old in 1974. They were a country that I'd never heard of, who qualified for the world cup in West Germany that summer. I discovered that apart from being bad at football, the country was half an island in the Caribbean. I have since discovered that it ranks as arguably the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. The country became independent from France following a slave revolt in the mid 1800's.

As you must be aware, the country was hit by a powerful earthquake last week. Since then the situation has worsened by violence caused in the main by escaped gangsters, from the collapsed prison.

It is easy to think that whatever I may do, it will not make a difference. This is wrong. Every long walk is started by one small step. I would urge anyone who can to pray into the situation in Haiti. I would also urge you to consider giving a donation either via the Government's central relief fund, or via an agency such as Tearfund.

As they say in the Tesco adverts - Every Little Helps!

Super Badger

If you are on Facebook you should be using Superbadger. Run by Tearfund, it gives an easy way to “badger” different people via email about particular issues. It literally takes a minute to put your name at the bottom of an email and send it. I’ve had responses from government ministers, Tesco, Starbucks and more. It does get through, especially as most of the “badger” requests get done by a thousand or so people.

Imagine if that became 10,000. Or even 100,000. It wouldn’t be that difficult – please can you sign up to it and get others to do the same? If you’re on Twitter then follow Superbadger there as well.

I've stolen the above two paragraphs from Chris Fox's blog, but would reiterate that this a good and easy way to make a constructive difference. I read Chris's post in November, but did nothing about it. Super Badger was is mentioned in the latest edition of Idea, the quarterly magazine from Evangelical Alliance. I decided that it was time for me to sign up. I joined via the link at

Get badgering.

Wednesday 6 January 2010


I have never been one for making new year resolutions, as they are easy to make, and even easier to break. There are lots of things that I should resolve to do something about. I could do with losing a fair bit of excess baggage, which would involve eating a bit less, rather than necessarily healthier, and exercising a bit more. I could be a "better" father and husband, by trying to be a bit less me centred and have more patience. I could be a better Christian, by praying more effectively, and by reading my bible in more depth.

All of the things mentioned above, and more, I could do, but would probably fail. Why? I am an expert in both theory, and in trying to do things in my own strength. These alone will lead to failure. I need to rely on God more, and truly expect Him to keep His promises that are given to us in the bible. He alone is the giver of life giving strength. If I ask Him for help, He will freely give it. My life does not then become an easy ride, free from struggle and pain. Far from it! Life though, in partnership with God, is a life worth living, and I pray (not resolve) that I may trust Him more this year.

I hope and pray that as we start this new decade, that God will bless your lives as well as mine.