Monday 18 January 2010


I first became aware of Haiti as an 11 tear old in 1974. They were a country that I'd never heard of, who qualified for the world cup in West Germany that summer. I discovered that apart from being bad at football, the country was half an island in the Caribbean. I have since discovered that it ranks as arguably the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. The country became independent from France following a slave revolt in the mid 1800's.

As you must be aware, the country was hit by a powerful earthquake last week. Since then the situation has worsened by violence caused in the main by escaped gangsters, from the collapsed prison.

It is easy to think that whatever I may do, it will not make a difference. This is wrong. Every long walk is started by one small step. I would urge anyone who can to pray into the situation in Haiti. I would also urge you to consider giving a donation either via the Government's central relief fund, or via an agency such as Tearfund.

As they say in the Tesco adverts - Every Little Helps!

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