Tuesday 22 July 2008

All I Want

What do I want? I'm not sure really. To be not so tired, to be a better dad and husband, to be not so quick tempered, not to be seeking other peoples approval all the time, to lose weight (though this is happening, albeit slowly), to be a "better" Christian, to have a decent singing voice, to have more security about different stuff. All of these and more probably.

The bible tells us that we have all we need in Jesus, and I believe this to be true. Despite the fact that I know there is a plan for my life, I still like to do things my way. What results. The problems that are listed as wants, that's what.

The bible also tells us that we can cry out to God about anything, and He will answer in His way. Simple, but also difficult. I want Him to answer my way, despite the fact that His way is infinitely better for me.

I believe that when we cry out to God, He will answer. I also believe that to "survive" in this world, we need to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. That is why I have found the series of Hungry for God evenings so helpful. I have been touched by His Spirit there in powerful ways.

I felt frustrated and to a degree bitter, when I found that these were moving to Thursday evenings. Thursday night is football night! How was I to get my "fill up"? These thoughts need banishing. God will pour out His Spirit whenever we ask for it, not exclusively at "special events". I could ask now, and it would happen. I am sure that God would prefer me to be at football, trying to practice what I preach, rather than being at another "church event". Trying to play football with both Christan, and those who are not, in a style that incorporates integrity and fair play, is surely a better option.

I think that what I really want, is to be more open with, and about God. If I am then everything else, will probably fall into place.


  1. Hi Martin

    I've been a wondering what to do with H4G moving to Thursday. That's our date night, and has been pretty much uninterrupted for nearly five years as it is our only regular free evening.

    We find it invaluable to our marriage, and yet have been really blessed at H4G.

    I have wondered though as I mulled it over, about the purpose of what God is doing, and I am coming to the conclusion that the purpose is to equip us to go out of Trinity to see God heal the sick and save the lost.

    Scary, and not something that's been a regular feature in my life before now, but I feel challenged in this direction. I'm still working through what that means for me.

    Be blessed


  2. Agree with your thoughts Rob. God must want H4G to be more than us getting blessed and feeling good. It must be about getting out there and giving it away. As you say scary thought. For me, my atttitudes both at football and at the conservation work I do, must reflect more of what I stand for. For that I need more of God, could appear to be a catch 22, but think it should be.

  3. Last line of my reply, does not make sense! Blame old age! Should read "but I think it should be doable. As said before God will help us whenever we ask sincerely."
