Tuesday 29 July 2008

Not For Here, But For There

"Not for here, but for there, with the lost and the lonely
Not for here, but for there, with the broken and the hungry"

These lines are at the end of an inspiring new song called Bones on the latest David Gate album. The album is called Nothing to Fear. In my opinion David is an inspired songwriter, and someone I am pleased to know.

I think these words are prophetic in a way. Another part of the song is asking God to come and fill me, as I have no strength and can't do it on my own. God will come and provide us with His Spirit to give us the strength to carry out His work. We can not keep it to ourselves though, we must keep giving it away. God does not want us to be just in Church meetings all the time, that would not achieve anything apart from probably giving us a holier than thou attitude. We are to be out in the world doing God's stuff, and then to return to Him for re-filling.

When singing this song last night at a Hungry for God evening, God really spoke to me. My frustration that these evenings will now clash with football is pathetic. Football is where I am meant to be. I may not be the greatest player to have ever pulled on the shirt for Cheltenham Trinity FC, but that is where God wants me. If as a Christian I only had friends with the same believes as me, I would be falling very short of Jesus' commission for our lives. I am meant to have friends from all walks of life. I personally do not feel comfortable going up to someone and initiating a conversation about Jesus, But I need to be in a position to respond if the topic is raised. I also need to be a convincing advert for the Christian faith, and this is where I definitely need God's help.

Jesus' love is for everyone, the saved, the lost, the lonely, the broken and the hungry. He loves them all the same, though there will be a party in Heaven when one of the others joins the ranks of the saved. It is our job to invite people to join the party, and we can not do that whilst being in Church events all the time.

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