Wednesday 9 July 2008

Unfinished Song

Sitting in my study at the moment, the rain is pounding down on the window above me. I know that the rain is vital for the existence of life, but it's getting to me, when will the sun come back? Life is feeling similar in a way, lots of I'm fed up with this thoughts, then bursts of God's sunlight, which both illuminates and revives. I know life needs both rain and sun to exist to the fullest, and we also need both in our spiritual lives.

It is good to ask questions, such as how do I get there, and where am I going. Often other people appear to know the way, and are confident on their journey, whilst I sometimes feel like I'm going round in circles. I think that on Sunday, God showed me a picture using the flower display in front of where I was sat. There was a tall green stem which went round in circles as it went up, with new shoots at the top. I think that to reach the top, sometimes we need to go in an apparent circle, to make the ascent easier, bit like hairpin bends on mountain roads.

Why can't my heart be free, why can't I share yet? Probably because like all of us, I am still an unfinished song. I am a work in progress, and one day I'll be where I belong, with complete peace of mind. What should I bring along? All God wants of me is a willing and repentant heart, which acknowledges that He has paid the ultimate sacrifice to allow me to be free. For the present though, I need to let God set the course, and allow Him to get me there. I have to keep letting go of more and more stuff. It is hard work to do this and trust that it will work out for the best, but it must be done. I also know that as well as His Spirit to guide me, He will put fellow travellers on the road with me to help me journey in the right direction. So I think that I'll let Him complete this Unfinished Song.

Unfinished Song

Where am I going
How do I get there
What should I bring along
Are people kind there
Is peace of mind there
Will I finally belong

Cause you know ships sail their courses
And heroes ride horses
They know where they belong
But I travel in circles
Quickly to nowhere
Singing my unfinished song

Some poets say that
There'll come a day that
I'll find a place for me
Why aren't I there yet
Why can't I share yet
Why can't my heart be free

Cause you know ships sail their courses
And heroes ride horses
They know where they belong
But I travel in circles
Quickly to nowhere
Singing my unfinished song

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